Traci Voelke
Traci Voelke is the surviving spouse of MAJ Paul C. Voelke, United States Army, Infantry, killed in Afghanistan on June 22, 2012 while he was serving as the XO for 3ID, 1-30 IN on his 5th deployment overseas. Traci and Paul were high school sweethearts and married for 13 years when Paul was killed. They have two sons, AJ, 15 and Benjamin, 13. Traci Voelke is a civilian attorney working for the US Army at the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a dual major in Socio-cultural Anthropology and Government and Politics. Ms. Voelke earned her Juris Doctor from the University of Georgia, School of Law and is licensed to practice in New York, Georgia, the District of Columbia and Virginia. As a Military spouse for 12 years, Ms. Voelke has held multiple jobs as an attorney including, Law Clerk to the Honorable Mallon G. Faircloth, Retired, US District Court, 11th Circuit, Assistant County Attorney to the Jefferson County, NY, County Attorney, Assistant Attorney General, District of Columbia, Washington DC and Legal Assistance Attorney, United States Army, Fort Stewart, Georgia. In addition, she is an advocate for Military surviving family benefits and serves on the Chief of Staff of the Army, Survivor Advisory Committee. Additionally, Ms. Voelke serves on the Board of the 98 Fund, a 501(c)(3) which serves graduates and families associated with the United States Military Academy.