David Zurfluh
Paralyzed Veterans of America
David Zurfluh is the national president of Paralyzed Veterans of America, serving his third consecutive one-year term. He travels extensively throughout the country advocating for and serving Paralyzed Veterans of America. A member of the U.S. Air Force from 1987 to 1995, Zurfluh served as a jet engine mechanic and a crew chief in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. While on active duty in April 1995, he was injured in a motor vehicle accident in Japan. He suffered a shattered left arm, broken left wrist and a broken neck, and was diagnosed with incomplete quadriplegia. Zurfluh became a member of PVA in 1995, after two national service officers assisted him. Once he completed his three-year rehabilitation, he began volunteering with PVA in the Northwest, determined to make it his life’s mission to help Veterans with spinal cord injury, disorders, and related diseases like MS and ALS. He held chapter-level positions as legislative director, vice president, president, and was a member of the sports committee, and national senior vice president prior to his election as national president.