Rodney Smith
Raising Men Lawn Care Service
Rodney Smith Jr., a Bermuda native, started Raising Men Lawn Care Service, a foundation that provides free lawn care to those who in need, such as the disabled or single mothers, and seeks to inspire young men and women to make a difference. Smith has travelled through all 50 states and this time, on his fifth tour, decided that he wanted to help our Military Veterans. He has been mowing the lawns of Veterans all across the country and has received sponsorship and new clients through social media alone. Smith’s passion also extends to children through a program he calls the 50-lawn challenge. Kids accept the challenge to mow 50 lawns in their neighborhood. In return Smith’s foundation send them a T-shirt, shades and ear protection for the job. They can work their way up to receiving a mower and weed trimmer for free. Smith hopes in the future to complete a tour of all seven continents where he continue spreading his mission and helping people.