Jed Morgan
Sergius Industries
Jed Morgan was in the Marine Corps deployed to Afghanistan when on June 20, 2012, while he was conducting a foot patrol, he triggered an improvised explosive device that resulted in the loss of both his legs above the knee and damage to his right hand. This direct experience led Morgan to found Sergius Industries, a company that makes prosthetic and orthotic components, as well as the Amputee Repair Kit (ARK), which is similar to a first aid kit for anyone who wears a prosthesis. It includes items amputees need to care for their prostheses and residual limbs and comes in three sizes–home, vehicle, and travel. It was carefully designed to help prosthesis users achieve comfort and safety as their prosthetic components and skin constantly experience wear and tear. Jed also leads the Guardian Project, an initiative of the White Heart Foundation in which groups of Veterans are taken on remote outdoor excursions with the goal of improving mental and physical well-being. This unique environment creates a comfortable space where Veterans battling post-traumatic stress or Military sexual trauma can open up and relate to others who have had a similar experience.