Mike Quinn
2x LinkedIn Top Voice
After completing his over twenty-year Army career, Mike Quinn found himself in the same position as many transitioning Service Members, struggling to translate his diverse and exceptional skillsets to civilian employers. He overcame that challenge and emerged from that experience dedicated to being a tireless advocate for his fellow transitioning veterans. He founded HireMilitary to help Military members take advantage of the DOD Skills Bridge program, an opportunity for Military members within 180 days of separation to gain private sector experience. Mike’s prolific use of LinkedIn to connect Veterans led to the platform naming him a LinkedIn Top Voice in 2018 and 2019. He generously gives his time to share his expertise and help teach Service Members across the United States establish a brand and then use LinkedIn as a tool to build a network to find employment. Additionally, he has been working within his current employer, EY, on expanding their Veterans program to not only open more opportunities but also ease the transition into the company. His efforts have directly and indirectly assisted innumerable Veterans find post-service employment.